The San Francisco Region of SCCA follows the rules detailed in the SCCA Solo Rule Book. Modifications upon those rules are listed in our Supplemental Rules.

A prereg link for each event will be posted a couple weeks ahead of time and be open until the Friday before the event. The cost is currently $35 but will be going up to $40 after the National Tour event at Crow’s Landing. The cost to reg on site will go up to $50.
Besides the cheaper cost, the main benefit of prereg is that you get priority at the reg table. Cut to the front of the line, and it’s a quick 10sec check-in and you’re good to go.
You can cancel after the registration windows closes or on the day of the event by contacting the administrator on the prerg Motorsportsreg page. If you choose to not show up but don’t contact the admin, you’ll still get charged.
People who aren’t full SCCA members need to fill out a weekend membership form. This membership is good for one weekend of membership. You can find them at the Registration table if you’re registering on-site or fill one out online if you prereg.
The weekend membership costs $15 (in addition to the entry fee). The form has a number ID on the top right corner which you can use to get your $15 applied towards your full membership if you want to join SCCA. You can use up to two of them towards your full membership.
Car Safety Tech is not only to keep you and others safe, but it helps us keep our great insurance. You must tech at EVERY event unless you get an annual tech from our Chief of Tech.
Annual Tech
Annual Tech can be granted by the Chief of Tech. You need to show a copy of the rulebook and have been to 12 events in the past year with SFRSCCA. Having annual tech means skipping the normal tech procedure for the rest of the year.
Class and Numbers
Must follow the guidelines here.
Must follow the guidelines here.
- Wheels must be properly torqued.
- No cracks or real damage to the structural integrity of the wheel.
- Must have no play in the wheel when moved. That means good wheel bearings, ball joints, etc.
- At least 8 threads used on each lug nut.
- Tires can’t have damage like bubbles or chunks missing from the sidewall.
- Tires must not have cords showing.
Must be tied down so the battery isn’t moving.
- Pedals must be undamaged.
- Each pedal must be pushed down and come back up without assistance.
- Floor mat must be removed if loose
Engine Bay
- No loose parts.
- Throttle cable must return to initial position when pulled.
- No serious fluid leaks
No loose stuff in the main area or trunk.
Pads must have life left on it. We shouldn’t have to mention this, but what some people do is surprising.